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Diplomatennaaiers (003)

01 januari 2014

maandag 6 januari-2014
Was het moord of een ongelukkie? Wat het ook was, Jamal el-Jarnal is zo dood als een pier bij IJmuiden (1). Hij was in oktober vorig jaar in Praag teruggekeerd als Palestijns ambassadeur. Daarvoor had hij al sinds de jaren tachtig langdurig in de Tsjechische hoofdstad vertoefd als officieel vertegenwoordiger van de PLO. In diezelfde jaren tachtig kreeg hij gezelschap van zijn broer Samir, die in Zwitserland verwikkeld was geraakt in een van de mega-affaires rond de van oorsprong Jemenitische sjeik Hassan Zubaidi, waaraan wij her en der in onze rubrieken gesnuffeld hebben. Nee, niet in het nucleaire gedeelte waarin onze VOC-wimpel zo fier wapperde, maar in dat van Zubaidi's 7 promesses aan toonder van de Amerikaanse Windsor Trust. Elk ter waarde van 500 meloen dollar en met verschillende vervaldata (2).
Op verzoek van een Amerikaanse belanghebbende stuurde Samir haar per fax het volgende verhaal:

"In 1980 the US Government through agents and representatives had approached our group for a very big finance against U.S. Treasury bonds securities. We were representing undercover Saudi investors rendering services and conducting financial and commercial transactions conforming with the Islamic principles, laws and traditions. Those Saudis who were not willing to disclose their personalaties, gave a new impulse to the SHARYA system which excluded the payment of interest but authorized the realization of benefits in financial placements. They had used the services of Saudi Finance Corporation and Dar Al Maal Al Islami in Geneva (3). Both entities made investments through funds of Arabic savers. These had given multi hundreds of milliards dollars for investments and 90 % of the investors were Saudis. The activities took place mainly abroad, in the USA.
Now we come to our part in the transaction with the US Government. Generally, to confirm the availibility of funds from one side and to receive confirmation of the availibility of proper securities from the other side, then do the financing in our name on behalf of the actual lenders and in some cases get commission and put in direct contact the principal borrower after verification with our principal lender. And that was the case with the US Government and we had received a commission officially of $ 3,5 billion in form of negotiable investments payable upon presentation.
My assumption is that it was that transaction you meant in your fax. Then your trustors were involved in the second half of the transaction which took place in 1981 upwards and a lot of people were involved in that part. You have to send me a list of your people supposed to have participated in order to concentrate my activities on those names, as many played a miscellanious part and were paid according to their role. We know a few to mention:
Development and Commercial Bank - Malaysia
Imperial Bank of Canada - London (actually the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce)
Drexel Lambert - USA
Citibank - USA
Barclay's Bank - London
Bank of Nova Scotia – Nassau
International Islamic Company, ITT at Nassau
Islamic Investment Company of the Gulf at Jersey (GB)
Masraf Faycal Al-Islami at Bahrain and the Bahamas
The Insurance Group TADAFOL in Great Britain
Meanwhile being on top of an Islamic project in Switzerland I may invest my contacts in Geneva to search through past records, knowing that in 1983 all staffs were changed and mr. Ibrahim Kamel, the ex-president of Dar Al Maal Al Islami (The Islamic Fund House) in Geneva was replaced on 17/10/1983 by prince Mohamed Al Faisal Al Saud, one of the sons of the deceased ex-king of Saudi Arabia and cousin of the actual king. Hoping that I have served your interest in this, with best regards, Samir El-Jarnal

De ontvanger van de fax was Margit Nesselrod, geboren Nordstrom, in Californië. Meer hierover in de volgende bijdrage. Stay tuned.

(1) Zie aflevering 5 van “Don't cry” van 3 januari jl.
(2) Slinger onze zoekmachine aan met de term Windsor en u vindt wat wij bedoelen.
(3) Opgericht in 1981, mogelijk mede in verband met het afwikkelen van deze enorme deal.

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01 januari 2014