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Octopussy (531)

dinsdag 27 mei-2014
Meestal is het knudde met een rietje. Maar dit keer was het even anders. Wij kregen bliksemsnel antwoord op onze brandmail van gisteren aan het adres van dr. Janko F. Rottmann. Het hoogste baasje van het Royal Investment Consortium. Alleen niet van dr. Janko zelf. Hoofd van het Legal Department James Goldstein nam de honneurs waar. En James schreef het volgende. Komt ie:

“Dear mr. Portein,

Thank you for your information. We have terminated the relationship with mr. Van de Rhee some weeks ago, as he did not provide the project documents for the necessary due diligence of our legal department. Due to this we could not proceed. Do you know what will happen with mr. Van de Rhee? We were not aware about his activities in the past and due to this we are extremely surprised about your information.
Best regards,
James Goldstein
Legal Department

Nou, als je voor ons zo joyeus de deur openzet, dan komen we graag even naar binnen. Dus stuurden wij vandaag in antwoord op de missive van James de volgende mail naar Marbella. Komt ie:

“Dear mr. Goldstein,

In reply to your question what will happen next to mr. Van de Rhee, we can inform you that he is residing in one of our modern prisons at the moment (address: 100 de Liesbosch, 3439 Nieuwegein, The Netherlands). Waiting for his trial (s). If he gets what he deserves he'll stay in the joint for six years.
Sorry to ask, but why did it take so long to pull the plug? As far as we know the first contacts between your president mr. Rottmann and mr. Van de Rhee developed in October/November 2013. During the following weeks a rather funny discussion about the technicalities of opening an offshore bankaccount and the name of a vehicle to be established yet dragged on and on. Until mr. Rottmann decided to cut at least one knot and fathered the so-called State Pension Fund LLC in Delaware USA at the end of January 2014. With no result. Mr. Van de Rhee didn't show up with the necessary paperwork. So, again, why did the worldwide operating Royal Investment Consortium wait until the days of Van de Rhee's arrest before it was decided not to go on with him?

Jan Portein

Gek hè? Ruikt u ook ouwe haring? Hm. Stay tuned.

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