Cuba Libre (002)
dinsdag 15 november-2011
Den Bosch, November 14 th, 2011.
To the ambassador of Cuba in the Netherlands,
Dear mrs. Dominguez Cortina,
To our regret, we haven't received any answer on our mail we sent you last Wednesday, about the Bruna faction book "Cuba Libre" by mr. Michel van Rijn. Mentioning for a fact the homo- and pedosexuality of your President and the fabrication by the Damen Shipyards' subsidiary on Cuba of a hundred statues, on your President's order.
On the other hand, it's giving us the opportunity to send you an addendum about the statue-affair. According to mr. Van Rijn's book Damen Shipyards had to put on hold the production of patrolboats (dozens, he writes) for Venezuela, meant for an eventual attack on Curacao.
If true, it's a rather disturbing detail. We don't know if you are in the position to affirm or deny these allegations, but could you please pass on our concern about this matter to the right authorities in Havana?
Thanking you in advance,
Jan Portein
editor Kleintje Muurkrant.